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Rezolve Logo
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The Short Story

Conversational AI Service Help Desk
Founded : 2017
Location : San Ramon, CA
Partnered : 2021
Website :
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The Long Story


Most employee IT service desks still use traditional models, tools, and KPIs. As a result, employees still waste a substantial amount of time getting simple issues resolved manually at the L1 level. The cost of manual L1 support is also another factor, which is estimated to be around 80% of overall IT support costs.


Using an advanced AI/NLP algorithm which is trained on customer L1 helpdesk data to provide the first level of support, replacing the traditional system of routing all cases to the support agents directly.


Rezolve uses AI and NLP to transform L1 support and help companies reduce costs, lower time to resolutions, and improve employee satisfaction. Employees can interact with chatbots which understand the context and offer customized solutions. Through its streamlined support services, the company assists its clients in increasing employee productivity.
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