DNA Of Scale

Knowledge, research data, and qualified opinions

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Navigating Through the Funding Winter: Challenges and Adaptations for Startups 

Authored By: Gireendra Kasmalkar The period known colloquially as the “Funding Winter” represented a significant challenge for startups globally.  Characterized by a sharp decrease in venture capital funding, this era …

Thoughts from our Partners

Gireendra Kasmalkar
Gireendra Kasmalkar
Gireendra Kasmalkar
Madhukar Bhatia
Gireendra Kasmalkar

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Forget TAM/SAM/SOM. ‘SLM’ is the path to global leadership for early stage start-ups!

At our fund for seed stage B2B Tech startups, the Annual Recurring Revenues (ARRs) are typically 100k USD onwards. But in every deck that we ...

Arriving at a custom-fit marketing strategy for your niche B2B product | Portfolio in Focus: The Mogi story

The founder of Mogi I/O set out to launch a short-format video app — “a bit like TikTok, with a twist”. In the process, they ...

SaaS Product Positioning: How to differentiate in a Competitive Market

Positioning your business’s core value proposition is the foundation on which all good startups are built. Through my own experience of co-founding Clarice, a software ...

Building a Successful Sales Engine with Shreyas Nair

In the dynamic world of Software as a Service (SaaS), understanding the market and implementing effective sales and marketing strategies is crucial for success. Shreyas ...

Scaling Your Business Beyond Boundaries: Insights from a Global Perspective with Harishankar Kannan

In today’s competitive business landscape, scaling a company beyond certain limits can be challenging. This is particularly true for businesses in India, where scaling can ...

‘Be the Buffalo charging at the storm’ Portfolio in Focus: The Tripeur story

The Business travel management space was buzzing in 2019. Tripeur, like other SaaS companies, were on a steady path of growth, with very good funding, ...


Forget TAM/SAM/SOM. ‘SLM’ is the path to global leadership for early stage start-ups!

At our fund for seed stage B2B Tech startups, the Annual Recurring Revenues (ARRs) are typically 100k USD onwards. But in every deck that we ...

Arriving at a custom-fit marketing strategy for your niche B2B product | Portfolio in Focus: The Mogi story

The founder of Mogi I/O set out to launch a short-format video app — “a bit like TikTok, with a twist”. In the process, they ...

SaaS Product Positioning: How to differentiate in a Competitive Market

Positioning your business’s core value proposition is the foundation on which all good startups are built. Through my own experience of co-founding Clarice, a software ...

Building a Successful Sales Engine with Shreyas Nair

In the dynamic world of Software as a Service (SaaS), understanding the market and implementing effective sales and marketing strategies is crucial for success. Shreyas ...

Scaling Your Business Beyond Boundaries: Insights from a Global Perspective with Harishankar Kannan

In today’s competitive business landscape, scaling a company beyond certain limits can be challenging. This is particularly true for businesses in India, where scaling can ...

‘Be the Buffalo charging at the storm’ Portfolio in Focus: The Tripeur story

The Business travel management space was buzzing in 2019. Tripeur, like other SaaS companies, were on a steady path of growth, with very good funding, ...
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